FRC Action Video Challenges Obama on Life Issue

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FRC Action Video Challenges Obama on Life Issue

CitizenLink is reporting that FRC Action President Tony Perkins is calling on Sen. Barack Obama to clarify his statements about when life begins. Perkins and his infant son are featured in a new TV commercial, which is airing in Cincinnati, Atlanta and Dallas.
My Take?
Take a look at this commercial. It’s very well done and catches the Senator in a terrible contradiction.
It’s based upon the Father’s Day speech given by Senator Obama in Chicago. In the speech he said, “We need fathers to recognize that responsibility doesn’t just end at conception.”
Yet, Senator Obama has never, to my knowledge, voted against a law supporting abortion of any kind – whether during his time in the U.S. Senate or in the Illinois Legislature.
Furthermore, Obama is the co-sponsor of the federal Freedom of Choice Act, a sweeping piece of legislation that will legalize partial-birth abortion and overturn virtually all federal and state limitations on abortion.
So Senator, here’s your dilemma: if life begins at conception, then so does the father’s responsibility. However, if life does not begin at conception, then why should a father’s responsibility? You can’t have it both ways.
As my friend, Tony Perkins, wisely points out: “Senator Obama understands that a father’s responsibility does not end at conception, but does he understand that it begins there as well?” 

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